Understanding the Impact of Covid19 on the Aviation Industry

Pooja Agnihotri
5 min readJul 2, 2021


Covid19 and the aviation industry: An understanding of how is it impacted and what it entails?

The novel coronavirus disease Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc all over the world.

With more than 5.5 million cases worldwide, 1.7 Million cases are accounted for in the US alone.

It has not only gravely impacted the lifestyle in general, but the healthcare system has also been taken aback and the economy has seen a major downfall.

Amongst those affected more severely than others are the travel and aviation industry.

One of the most crucial and costly affairs, the aviation industry thrives all over the world but has always struggled to break even because of the costs associated with it.

And with the surge of covid19 cases all over the world, it has only seen more outflow of resources than inflows.

So, how has covid19 affected the long-running aviation sector?

Let’s explore here.

Impact of Covid19 on Aviation Industry

How has Covid19 Impacted the Aviation Industry?

Drop In-Flight Bookings Both International And Domestic

From the onset of COVID to its becoming a global pandemic, the aviation industry has suffered more terribly than any other.

According to consolidated data, major European airlines will lose about 50% of their passengers by the time 2020 ends.

In March 2020, when the first major bans started being placed all over the world on flying, there was a traffic fall from 10.9 million passengers to 5.7 million passengers.

And then the flying was completely shut.

Moreover, this isn’t just going to last till the pandemic lasts. This is going to continue even after the pandemic.

Grounded Planes are Causing More Outflow and No Inflow

Snowballing from our first point, there came a time when the world in its entirety grounded aviation operations.

It’s only recently that slowly the flights have resumed operations at a lower scale but when the world was only getting prepared to save themselves, all of the flight operations be it domestic or international were grounded.

We all are aware that it takes a great amount of cash flow to operate in the aviation industry,

Quality aircraft are highly expensive and it takes years to get to profits let alone break even.

In April, the decline in air traffic reached 90%.

But as aircraft stay grounded, they’re still incurring an incredible amount of fixed costs. And that isn’t panning out to be feasible, making it hard for the aviation industry to keep its head above the water.

Laying off the Employees

As heartbreaking as it may seem, when the world was itself going through physical and emotional turmoil, many airlines had to give their employees off without pay.

Moreover, some have also laid off many employees owing to the downfall of operations.

Although many have opposed this, from an industry point of view, there seemed to be no other option.

At Least for now, till the time everything is back to normal.

What Measures are Taken by the Aviation Industry to Resume Operations?

As some parts of the world slowly resume operations, here are a few steps that the aviation industry is taking to make sure their passengers are protected from the strain of novel coronavirus.

Safety Measures in Place

From thermal scanning sanitization, safety measures have been strictly put in place for every passenger entering the airport.

The ground staff has all been equipped with masks and gloves and those in close contact with people have been equipped with PPE suits.

Practicing Social Distancing

All the airport authorities across the globe have put social distancing measures in place.

Not just on the ground but also in the craft.

Marks and directions have been placed everywhere and people have to strictly comply with their own safety and also for the safety of the staff.

Moreover, the craft is running on 1/3rd to ½ capacity with one seat vacant amongst two passengers.

Medical Tests of the Staff and Crew

Prompt tests have been conducted on every staff and crew member on a regular basis to keep a check on their health and avoid any catastrophe.

Anyone remotely showing symptoms has been immediately given leave and sent to a quarantine facility or home isolation awaiting results.

All measures have been in check with a proper protocol to be followed.

What the Future Holds for the Aviation Industry?


When times are hard, brands are stronger if they are one team.

Some aviation brands can follow this and go for a joint venture with any other brand.

Two weak brands struggling to keep their heads above the troubled waters when they become one, they’re stronger because of the combined resources and sharing of risks.

So as the world is slightly yet slowly trying to crawl back to normalcy, this seems like a feasible option for the airline and aviation industry.

Shut Down

There are many airlines that may have to take the route of shutting down operations altogether.

With a steep downfall of the revenue and costs still being there running high.

Many airlines may not be able to cope.

And thus many have been considering this option of a complete shutdown of the entire operation.

Is There Still aWay Out?

All hope is not lost for those who are hopeful.

At this time of uncertainty, patience and perseverance is the key.

With proper and structured planning for the future, safe, and vigilant measures are in place.

The aviation industry can rise again.

During the time when there is no operation taking place, aviation industries can adapt to the Digital Marketing aspect and give everyone virtual flying and traveling experience.

Moreover, in the near course of time, generating and strengthening hub-like structures across airports will help the aviation industry function in a slightly more sophisticated manner.

Key Takeaway

It’s still a long tiring way out. We’re still trying to find our ground in the troubled waters.

But we have to strive. Not only personally, but economically and professionally too.

We have to make sure our marketing strategies adapt to the present circumstances.

Moreover, we must also be prepared for all future ones.

Until then it’s just survival and hope for the win.

Related Article: What is Conversational Marketing and How to Incorporate It in Your Marketing Plan?



Pooja Agnihotri

Experienced marketer and a published book author, Pooja Agnihotri, is on a mission to save businesses from themselves.